This is a collection that I have accumulated overtime of the top 5 artworks that I would like to visit and see. 1. 'On Space Time Foam' by Tomas Saraceno
This adult playground made out of clear film, consists of three levels. This is currently installed in Courtesy HangarBiocca Foundation in Milan.
2. BIG Maze
Created by the firm BIG, this Baltic Birch plywood structure stretches 18 square meters in the National Building Museum's Great Hall in Washington DC.
3. 'Orbit' by Tomas Saraceno
This art installation resembles 'On Space Time Foam' as it gives you the feeling of walking on clouds. “To describe the work means to describe the people who use it – and their emotions,” explains Tomás Saraceno concerning his largest installation to date.
4. Seed Cathedral by Thomas Heatherwick
This building was created for the 2010 Expo in Shanghai, it highlights the beauty of the seeds something that is usually overlooked. The acrylic rods the cover the entire building sway with the wind and bring light into the centre of the Cathedral, seeds are incapsulated inside the transparent rods acrylic.
5. Banksy
Although Banksy's work could be found all around the world in many places like New York, London and New Orleans. I would love to have the privilege to spot one of his artworks some time in the future.
I hope to the have the privilege to visit these places but yeah.
Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus.
This blog is basically all my thoughts sucked out of my chaotic brain then converted into digital data. The computer then outputs this information onto the screen you're reading this off.